Tickets | Tocynnau

We don't think people should have to prove their financial hardships or circumstances. Please select the ticket that you can afford, no questions will be asked.

Nid ydym yn credu dylai pobl brofi eu amgylchiadau nac anhawsterau ariannol. Dewisiwch y ticed y medrwch fforddio, bydd dim cwestiynau.

Tickets | Tocynnau

The Venue | Y lleoliad

Located behind the Dr’s surgery in Borth

A leolir y tu ôl i feddygfa yn Borth

Star of the Sea Website

The Venue | Y lleoliad

Located behind the Dr’s surgery in Borth

A leolir y tu ôl i feddygfa yn Borth

Star of the Sea Website

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